Teaching Truth
We began going to Chetumal in June 2022, sharing with pastors and ministry leaders what God’s word says about being and making disciples. It is hard to imagine, but we just completed our fourth and final training with this same group. What an unbelievable time! We have built many relationships over the last two years, sharing amazing meals and times of fellowship. Though the hours are long, we all walk away feeling encouraged to continue the work he has called each of us to do.
These three days of training focused on hermeneutics (how to interpret the Bible) and apologetics (how to defend our faith). We wanted these ministry leaders to walk away confident that they can accurately interpret the word of God to faithfully teach it in their homes and churches; as well as feeling equipped to rationally understand the reason for what we believe the Bible says is true. The Bible IS true, and that alone is enough, but we know there are MANY other evidences given that we can look to. Many pastors shared that our discussions gave them greater understanding to know how to both study the word of God and promote biblical truth with gentleness and respect, giving God ALL glory.
Our words would not be enough to describe all that God did. We’ll let a few of the pastors and ministry leaders share the impact these times of training have had on them.
“As we’ve studied the Scripture, there’s many things I realize that I should know but I don’t know because I don’t read the Bible enough. It challenged me and I feel more equipped to be able to study the Scriptures more.”
“We need more teachings like this that are spiritually deep and biblically accurate because, as we’ve studied this, several things that I thought about Scripture, I realized were not actually based on Scripture.”
“This has really encouraged me and helped me to learn some new things that I can teach others.”
“I have grown a lot through these trainings, but I also see how God has grown Para Ministries, and you two (Jesse and Kaila). The work of God is very evident.”
“The teaching on emotionalism was very impactful. It is very popular here to overemphasize emotions and its easy to be influenced by that. Seeing how God has given us our emotions, but those emotions need to be submitted to him, has really impacted how I need to think about things in my church.”
“The training you are doing is incredibly important and so valuable. One, even though you can be surrounded by people, being a pastor can be very lonely. So having discipleship and accountably in our (pastors) lives is vital. Two, its such a temptation to align with prosperity and false gospel teachers because people like that and it gains popularity and crowds. So truly teaching the word of God and how to be a shepherd and teacher, and to have good theology, is exactly what these we need.”
Wow. God continues to amaze us because HE has made all those things possible. HE is the One TRANSFORMING lives. We don’t want to simply bring information. Knowledge is important. But if it ends there, what’s the point? We continually pray that God will show up in mighty ways to transform lives and churches and communities. He is ALWAYS faithful.
…but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy,
always being prepared to make a defense to anyone
who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you;
yet do it with gentleness and respect…
1 Peter 3:15