what’s on the horizon for Para…

When we first came to Belize in 2015, needless to say, we had NO clue where God would lead our family. To say we had zero clue we would someday be traveling around Central America training pastors and coming alongside churches, would be an understatement. Us? No way! But here we are.

In 2018, Jesse and Pastor Ramón would talk on the phone once a month to pray together, study the word together, and grow together as disciples of Christ. After about 6 months, Pastor Ramón said it had led to incredible transformation in his life, his family, and his church; he had never experienced someone coming alongside him like this, to study the Word and pray together. Then he asked a question: “How could we train every pastor in Belize about what it means to truly be a disciple of Christ, how to study the Word, and how to lead their churches to become “the church Jesus intended”?” We said, “we don’t know, but let’s figure it out!

In January 2019, Pastor Ramon hosted the very first pastor and leader training in his church for about 20 leaders. At the end, they asked, “is there more training?” We said, “let’s figure it out!” Four years later, Para Ministries has: developed four levels of training, been to five different areas of Belize , four different areas of Mexico, one area of Honduras, preached in over 20 churches, trained over 700 pastors and leaders… and most importantly, many of these leaders are now discipling and training other leaders. We truly believe the best is yet to come!

Where are we going?

Doors continue to open. New areas of Belize, Mexico, and Honduras have expressed a desire for Para to lead trainings in their areas. Relationships are deepening. Pastors are being encouraged and cared for. We are seeing new ways to be able to minister to pastors and their families. We believe God is leading our family to be in Central America for longer periods, even 2-3 months at a time.

To do this, we would need a place for our family to have a “base camp,” a place to rest in between traveling; a place to be home away from home. In 2022, as we began to pray about that and seek the Lord’s direction, He began to give us vision for something even greater: a place where pastors and their families from Belize, Mexico, and Guatemala could come together for times of Bible training, worship, prayer, and fellowship. This not only would create opportunities to minister to their spiritual needs more deeply, but would also create infinitely greater ways to be able to minister to their physical needs. It would create opportunities for even more of God’s people to be able to use their giftings to minister to these families. As we have “dreamed” and sought the Lord, the possibilities seem endless!

That’s what leads us to this: we are currently seeking the Lord, pursuing options, and having conversations of where that location would be. We do not want to rush ahead of the Lord (no “rush the brush” as they say in Belize). We do not want to fall behind. We want to “wait on the Lord, be strong and take heart, and wait on the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14). We already have commitments from people in various ways, who are eager to come alongside us in this vision to make this ministry center a reality. How might God be calling you to partner with us in some way?

What can you do?

1.) Pray! “ Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” (Ps. 127:1). We know if we are not clearly hearing the voice of the Lord for His direction and every step along the way, we will be operating in our own strength, and that’s a dangerous place to be. Pray we hear Him. That we will obey Him. That we will be fully submitted to His will, His timing, and His way.

2.) Give. We know if this is what the Lord desires, He will, and already has, made a way. Perhaps you are one of the ones He wants to use to provide the resources to make this a reality. Maybe He puts it on your heart to be diligent in prayer for the resources. Or maybe you can share about what God is doing with someone else.

3.) Serve. If you would have a desire to be part of the physical ministry either to build the facility, or take part in ministering to pastors and their families once the center is completed, please let us know! If you are not sure what that would look like, and want to hear about some of the ways we see being able to come alongside pastors and churches, let us know!