for pastors & ministry leaders
God has given local church leaders to equip the saints. Our trainings are meant to equip these leaders to more effectively equip those they shepherd to live out their faith in practical and meaningful ways. We are passionate about simply teaching the Word of God and encouraging pastors to do the same.
As we have built relationships with pastors and leaders globally, one need that was expressed was biblical training, specifically around discipleship. Out of the many conversations about what that might look like, the following four trainings were developed, along with two workbooks (available in both English and Spanish) that compile all of the resources for the trainings, which we offer freely to those we minister to.
What this looks like: typically we spend two years working with a group of pastors doing in-country pastoral care and trainings two times a year. In between visits, we are available to connect one-on-one virtually (or in person if available) to walk alongside a pastor or ministry leader to further equip, coach, or provide pastoral care. Because we are fully funded through support raising, we are able to provide our services at no cost to pastors and ministry leaders.
Discipleship: being & making disciples
Jesus’ first call to his disciples was to “come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). Being a disciple precedes making disciples. Discipleship starts with me. What does it mean to truly be a disciple, a follower of Jesus? Did you know, the word disciple is used over 240 times in the New Testament (while ‘Christian’ is only 3 times)? Shouldn’t we, then, rightly understand what it means to be a disciple? What does it look like to die to self? To carry our cross? To obey Jesus’ commands? In this training, we look at God’s Word alone to understand what it truly means to BE a disciple. We also look to see how Jesus made disciples in order to learn how all believers are called to participate in and fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19): to “go (in your going) and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you; and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Theology: Knowing God
Simply put, Theology is the study of God: the one, true, living God. Knowing God’s Word is the best way to know God, who He is and who He isn’t. Without studying who his Word says he is, it is easy to construct God into who we want him to be, or simply who others say he is. Jesus said if we really know him, we will know the Father (John 14:7). In this training we study Christology, Bibliology, Soteriology, Hamartiology, the Doctrine of God, Biblical Anthropology, and more. This training is designed to help pastors and leaders be equipped and able to teach others (1 Timothy 3:2) and faithfully carry out this responsibility in accordance with God’s Word, and his Word alone.
Leadership: Leading like Jesus
What is a leader? How do we lead? There are more resources on leadership that answer these questions than one could possibly read. Yet God’s Word gives us two simple requirements of a leader, over and over again in Scripture: to be a servant and a shepherd. Jesus, the greatest leader who ever walked the earth, modeled both of these perfectly for us. While we are all uniquely created with different spiritual gifts, God-given passions, and abilities, God’s Word gives us universal truths for all leaders. In this training we look at how to lead like Jesus as we rely fully on His strength and Spirit to lead exactly how and where He has called us to serve for his glory and purposes (Ephesians 2:10; Matthew 5:16). As we study passages in Matthew and Luke, Timothy and Titus, Romans and 1 Corinthians, we discover what it looks like to truly lead like Jesus.
Hermeneutics & Apologetics: defending our faith & proclaiming truth
Why do we believe what we believe? How can we be certain what we profess is Truth? How do we boldly and clearly proclaim the Word of God? The Bible was written by 40 different authors from all walks of life, in three languages on three continents, who wrote 66 books over a span of over 1,500 years that all have one consistent message without contradiction or error. How is this possible? From Genesis to Revelation, ultimately, there is one Author: God. Fulfilled Messianic prophecy, God revealed in Creation and nature, extra-Biblical evidence, archaeological discoveries, and much more all point to the fact God’s Word is true. The Bible IS the Truth (John 1:1; John 14:6). For teachers of the Word, being able to put all of that together, built on correct Theology, allows them to rightly, accurately, confidently, and convincingly preach and teach, leading others in Truth, to know and follow the one True God.
Biblical Worldview
What is a worldview? What is a Biblical worldview? Is there a difference between a Christian and Biblical worldview? Is there such a thing as absolute Truth? How do we teach people in our churches to view all aspects of life through the lens of the Bible? How can we equip people to have conversations with people that do not have a Biblical worldview? We discuss these questions and many more in this workshop, as we equip church leaders to equip others to understand Biblical worldview in a simple, understandable, and applicable way.
family discipleship
While God has given the church and its leaders as a resource and support for discipleship, discipleship MUST begin in the home. Parents are called to be the primary disciple makers in their homes. Husbands and wives are called to walk through a process of becoming more like Christ (discipleship) with one another. What does this practically look like? How can we engage in biblical conversations with our spouses and children? How do we answer the hardest questions? Be equipped to come alongside families as they intentionally lead in their homes, to make devoted followers of Jesus.
coaching techniques
What if your leadership team, and every person in your church, were equipped to be able to truly listen to one another? What if understanding and learning how to ask good questions, could unlock the potential of your leadership team? What might happen if as a pastor, you felt less pressure to give answers, but instead were able to ask the right question, to help people have discovery of their own? Discover how simple tools can transform your staff and leadership meetings, pastoral counseling, conversations, and overall leadership.
engaging the next generation
You likely know the statistics of the epidemic the church is facing of the current youth and young adult generation’s lack of belief in God. The answer is not to simply invite them to church. We must truly engage with them, disciple them, teach them, and walk through life with them. What is the church’s responsibility in this? What are parents’ responsibility in this? What is your responsibility in this? Allow Scripture to define these roles in leading the next generations in ways that correctly teach the Word of God, and learn how to equip the younger generation to be able to live out their faith in a culture that challenges these beliefs.
developing a missional-minded culture
What is missions? Where are we called to engage in missions? How do we equip believers to live a lifestyle that is daily aware of the needs around them? How can we help believers see the ways God has gifted them and wants to use them to meet those needs? What is the role of the church, and what is the role of each individual believer to minister to the world around us? Be equipped to engage your church in living life on mission in a way that is practical, biblical, and allows every believer to engage in the mission of the church.
Gospel-centered conversations
What is the Gospel? How do we share the Gospel every day in a world that is opposition to the good news? How do we answer the challenging questions we commonly face as believers in Christ? What is evangelism? How did Jesus teach to engage others in gospel-centered conversations? This workshop answers these questions, and equips leaders to be able to equip others with simple, encouraging, and practical tools to be able to daily engage in gospel-centered conversations in their communities, workplaces, families, and homes.