Unity among believers

It’s amazing how a place can become so familiar that it seems like an extension of home. Friendly, familiar faces that greet us, sights and sounds that welcome us back. I’m grateful our girls will grow up knowing the warm hospitality of Belize. 

The girls have met new friends, enjoyed the park, have done endless crafts with Ama, and love doing life with our Para team, Edwin, Pastor Polin, and Pastor Ramon. These girls are such a blessing. These trips will never be “easy,” but the girls are really becoming so flexible. We are praying for the fruit that comes from including them in the work God has called our family to. 

Tonight we had our 3rd night of training and we will be finishing up with a long day tomorrow. The group has seemed engaged and one of the youth pastors in attendance said that “this has been incredible; I have heard it explained that being a church leader is like a sponge: it gets dipped in a bucket of water, and then squeezed out. This, for me, has been like getting dipped in the bucket .” It’s been an encouraging time of digging into the Truth of God’s Word. I truly feel like God is giving me more courage because I’m depending on Him. I have asked Him to let me see and love people as He does, to help me be obedient, and then leave the burden of results to Him. How freeing! I will always be a work in progress. But I am oh so grateful for the freedom and power of the Holy Spirit that goes with me. 

One thing we always share with the pastors and ministry leaders is that they have MANY people praying for them. It’s such an important message we want them to know. They are not alone. While we are the ones physically here with them, our friends and family back home and around the world are with them in prayer, lifting them up. In those moments, it’s almost as if heavens gates open up and all believers are there together. It’s hard to explain, but we want you to know that the prayer and support you give is real kingdom work, bringing unity among believers. Thank you.   

“But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine.” Titus 2:1 


Light in the darkness


Impact for generations